At some point, your buyers will check out the condition of your home, likely with a Cincinnati area Home Inspector. And, you can know what they will find if you get there first. Pre-inspections help in many other ways as well, such as:

It allows you to see your home through the eyes of a critical and neutral third party.
Alerts you to immediate security issues before agents and visitors visit your home.
It can alert you to items of immediate concern, such as radon gas or an active termite infestation.
It allows you to make corrections ahead of time, so…
Defects will not become a stumbling block in negotiations later.
There is no delay in obtaining Occupancy.
You have time to get a contractor at a reasonable price or do the repairs yourself if you are qualified.
It will help you price your home realistically.
It can ease potential buyers' fears and suspicions.
It may encourage the buyer to waive the inspection of their own.
It reduces your liability by adding professional supporting documentation to your disclosure statement.
At LiteHouse Inspect, we have an entire pre-listing inspection program ready to assist you in getting your home ready to sell. Benefits include:
Web based and PDF reports that will help your buyer see and understand the condition of the home.
Cross -listing of your property on our website for more exposure.
A yard sign that will provide a web address to allow potential buyers to view the report if you permit it.
Consultation with you and your listing agent on prioritizing the issues noted and contractor bid reviews if requested.
Amended report after repairs have been made to document the repair and any associated warranty.
A copy of the inspection report along with receipts for any repairs should be made available to potential buyers.
For more information visit LiteHouse Inspect today!